We raise Cornish Cross broilers on pasture with daily moves as weather permits. The chicks spend their first 2 weeks in a climate controlled shipping container brooder. At 16 days, we move them out to our pasture coops. They spend the next 4 weeks on fresh grass with access to bugs, worms, fresh air and sunlight. At 6 weeks, the birds are transported to a small, family run USDA slaughter facility in Modesto, CA. The cleaned whole birds are transported back to our county certified kitchen in downtown Santa Cruz, where our experienced butchers cut and wrap into all of our popular chicken products.
In 2017, Fogline Farm leased 20 acres on the Ano Nuevo Peninsula, adjacent to Ano Nuevo State Park. We now lease 40 acres. We can hear the elephant seals in the distance while hawks and eagles constantly fly over us. There is a 20 acre lake on the property which is home to many birds and ducks. The Chalk Mountains of the Santa Cruz Mountains are just on the other side of Highway 1. We are truly fortunate to have access to this beautiful land.
The ranch was farmed by a conventional flower grower for 40 years prior to our arrival. By grazing chickens and neighbor’s cattle, we hope to revitalize and restore the soil and watershed.
Caleb Barron is the owner and farmer. Raised in Minneapolis, I moved to Tacoma, Washington in 1999 to attend the University of Puget Sound, where I studied geology. In 2007, I moved to Santa Cruz to attend the UCSC CASFS apprenticeship in ecological horticulture. In 2008, I apprenticed at Pie Ranch where my love for livestock blossomed. In 2010, I joined up with Fogline Farm. In 2014, I took over Fogline and managed the vegetable and multi species livestock operation. In 2017, I moved properties and made the decision to focus solely on broiler chickens.
Fogline Farm has been in operation since 2009. In 2009, Johnny Wilson began leasing a beautiful 40-acre apple orchard in the Soquel hills above Santa Cruz. In 2010, Caleb Barron and Jeffrey Caspary joined the team. For 4 years, the farm grew in abundance as pasture-raised broilers fertilized the vegetable fields. Egg laying chickens and heritage hogs roamed the orchard keeping it clean of weeds and pests while fertilizing the trees. Fogline managed a CSA and grew their farmer's market presence. In 2014, the historic 100-year old Manildi Ranch was sold and the original family moved away. And so did Johnny and Jeffrey. Caleb took over ownership and management. The integrated management continued, but with the new owners arriving and a need to expand the livestock program, the need for a new property was on the horizon.